Why UNO Billing Solutions ?
You asked, why..? We say:
UNO is used by UK and Irish Networks as well as Resellers. Its scalability is unrivalled.
Processes 1m CDRs in under 5 seconds.
Has state of the art pricing model.
Masterfully orchestrates provisioning workflows.
Has powerful Sales and CRM system or you can simply choose to hook it up with a Sales and CRM system of your choice through open APIs.
UNO Product Catalogue allows bundling of all technologies.
Has most comprehensive billing and margin reporting.
Can be deployed with its own data warehouse should you need to point your BI tools to it.
Has state of the art and future proof mobile billing structure for painless and speedy product launches.
Offers contract-based billing allowing you to monitor committed revenue, plan for and manage re-sign activity, monitor minimum commitments and report on total contract value to name a few of the benefits
Can be deployed on premise or in the Cloud
Has multiple bill fulfilment options
So, why not UNO?